Question Summary with Audio File Starting Times
Introduction: Spiritual Judgments in the Bible
17:59 In Ecclesiastes 8:16-17 and 9:12, is God telling us we cannot know the date of the last day?
25:58 In reading Matthew 26:36-46 and a post to the Time & Judgment mailing list, The Bible is Spiritual Judgment, is it possible the Lord endured the wrath of God a third time for His people?
33:05 In Mark 10:38-39 where Christ says to James and John that they too shall drink of the cup of God’s wrath, can you compare these cups, or, is that the cup that when we die in Christ, we are drinking of the same cup?
35:34 In Genesis 20:3-6, we read about God restraining sin and wickedness in the lives of the unsaved. However, does God restrain wickedness in the lives of the children of God while still living on this earth given they still have unsaved physical bodies?
42:06 A clarification on question two (regarding Matthew 26:36-46) and relating it to question three (Mark 10:38-39). We know that Jesus paid for sins once before the foundation of the world. But is it possible that the Lord is demonstrating again a second or third time being under the wrath of God?
46:15 In Ezekiel 18:32, is God saying He has no pleasure in physical death?
51:37 In Malachi 4:1, can you explain, A) the phrase, “the day cometh that shall burn as an oven?” Is this referring to the five month period after May 21, 2011? Is this the “brimstone” where the field cannot grow fruit? And, B) does the word “Root” pertain to the “root of Jesse?”