eBible Fellowship

2012.02.17 - Questions and Answers

  • 2012-02-17 22:00 | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 1:01:55 Size: 10.6 MB
  • Various questions and answers from the Bible
  • Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File

    1. 00:00 Introductory comments: Chris discusses the idea of whether or not we can know the actual dates for the feasts. Chris gives a calculation for establishing these dates that does not change.
    2. 09:48 (Question from Facebook): In relation to Esther 8:10, if this is after May 21st and the door to salvation is closed, why was there an urgency in sending out the message?
    3. 16:16 In Revelation 9:6 where it says, “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them,” when does this happen?
    4. 31:44 Concerning a study that has recently come out contending that the calendar was off because of the way that we identify the moon, the author was stating that we should have been using the dark moon, which I do not think is correct because God put lights in the firmament and we are supposed to use the light as a guide and also because it would be almost impossible to know exactly when the dark moon was since this just cannot be seen. Have you had a chance to look at this?
    5. 41:03 Could you look at Esther 3:4? Could this verse be spiritually talking about “matters” or the message of Judgment Day?
    6. 46:04 You have been talking a lot about the doubling of the punishment and have been giving examples of this. Could what Jesus went through on the cross also be a doubling, since He died before the foundation of the world and then He had to do this again?
    7. 51:24 In Esther 8, the second decree would allow the Jews “to take the spoil of them for a prey.” But we read three times in Esther 9 that they “laid not their hands on the prey.” In the context of Esther, could we use Psalm 76:4 as a reason for this?
    8. 54:00 I have a request for you to consider this program at an earlier time and that you also add some length to it. I find this very interesting.
    9. 54:50 In relation to how we keep time and what we have been discussing, could you take a look at Joshua 10:13-14 as well as Joshua 11:14?