Questions and Answers Sessions
2012.02.12 - Questions and Answers, Evening
2012.02.12 - Questions and Answers, Evening
- 2012-02-12 22:00 | Chris McCann
- Audio: Length: 1:02:10 Size: 10.7 MB
- Various questions and answers from the Bible
Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File
- 01:28 Could you look at Daniel 5:25-26 in relation to the doubling principal? Could the two banquets of wine in the book of Esther also apply to this passage?
- 06:50 I was just curious as to whether or not you have had any feedback or comments from Family Radio or Mr. Camping on this study of Esther?
- 08:19 In Deuteronomy 31:14-30, God says that He will hide is face because His anger shall be kindled against us in that day. Could this be why God is not mentioned in the book of Esther since we are now in judgment?
- 16:39 March 8th will be a full moon. Astronomically, a full moon normally will last two to three days. So it may very well be that we will have a full moon on all three days of Purim. I just thought that this was interesting.
- 18:09 In relation to Haman’s face being covered, could you please look at Psalm 44:15 and Psalm 69:7?
- 20:50 Could you compare Luke 18:7-8 with Exodus 32:19-21 in relation to Moses’ return and the return of the Lord?
- 30:22 Is it possible that the first banquet of wine in Esther was at sundown, which would make it the 17th day of the 2nd month?
- 35:04 In Revelation 20:14 and 21:8, we know that the “fire and brimstone” and the “lake of fire” are spiritual, correct? Would this not make the second death spiritual?
- 38:05 In Esther 9:13, was it a wicked thing for Esther to ask the king to kill Haman’s ten sons?
- 43:28 I was looking at Haman and how they covered his face. Since they covered his face and hanged him on the same day, does this point to a double penalty for Haman’s sins?
- 45:35 I do not know if this means anything, but the word “posts” in Esther is used four times, which can relate to universality. Could you look at Jeremiah 51:31, because this also uses the same word? How do Haman and the king of Babylon relate since these are both end-time prophecies?
- 51:17 As a true believer, I feel that life in general has been different for me after May 21. One thing is that I do not feel like I am acting in a godly manner as much as I did before May 21 when I was involved with telling people about the truths of the Bible and passing out tracts. Do you agree that life for the true believers has been different after May 21 and October 21?
- 58:10 Do all of God’s people know that March will be the end?