Questions and Answers Sessions
2012.02.12 - Questions and Answers, Afternoon
2012.02.12 - Questions and Answers, Afternoon
- 2012-02-12 16:20 | Chris McCann
- Audio: Length: 32:49 Size: 5.6 MB
- Various questions and answers from the Bible
Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File
- 00:08 There are a couple of things that I wanted to contribute to your study. You mentioned how the king went out to the garden and you introduced the idea that he might have gone out there to fetch the guards. I thought that this was a little far-fetched until I looked at Esther 5:12. I realized that there was nobody in the room except for Esther herself.
- 00:56 (Continued from previous question): The other thing you mentioned was about Haman’s face being covered. There are a lot of verses, but the one that works best is Acts 20:38 where we will see that “face” is linked to the Word. When Haman’s face was covered, this was a picture of the idea that Satan’s gospel is not going out anymore. His words are shut off and closed off. This goes along with the judgment.
- 01:43 (Continued from previous question): When you mention judgment, you are always mentioning judgment in the sense that it is only for the guilty; but when a judge issues a judgment, it is either for the innocent or for the guilty. In that sense, it is for both. The innocent are judged as innocent and the guilty are judged as guilty. So on Judgment Day, it was a simultaneous event for both the saved and the unsaved. They were all judged either innocent or guilty.
- 02:55 As Guy spoke earlier about David, we know that he was a type of Christ. How are we to see David in his sins and God telling him that the sword shall never leave his house? Is this possibly a picture of David as Christ taking our sins?
- 03:48 Concerning what was said about Haman’s face being covered, I would have gone to Esther 6:12. What about the shame?
- 04:48 (Continued from previous question): As far as Haman’s face being covered representing Satan’s gospel not going out anymore, I do not think so. I think that perhaps Satan’s gospel is still going out.
- 06:23 You said earlier that on May 21 Satan was still doing dirty deeds in trying to deceive or to cause the fall of even one believer before they entered into the safety of the ark. How could Satan discern a true believer from someone who was not a true believer; because on that day among the true believers, there were also non-believers?
- 08:09 (Comment made concerning previous question): God also declared that He would get them all. He would not leave one behind. This is another important point. All Satan ever had to try to get was one.
- 09:11 Could you read Luke 17:26-30? In Genesis 9 and Genesis 19, both Noah and Lot drank too much. This is after the judgment has occurred. Have you studied this or do you know how this relates?
- 16:28 Will Purim likely start at sundown?
- 18:21 It says in Genesis 9:25, “Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants.” This reminds me of Jesus being the servant of servants. Canaan is an offspring of Noah. Could this also be pointing to Jesus?
- 20:24 Several weeks ago someone asked about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The Greek verb used in Mark 3:28 is blasphemeo, which means to speak evil of or to speak irreverently of. So was Jesus Christ not saying that we are not to speak evil of the Holy Spirit or else we are in danger of eternal damnation? Let us guard our tongue in case we are wrong in condemning all churches. If the church is evil, the Lord will deal with it in His time.
- 29:54 (Comment made concerning previous question): One doctrine that has come out of the corporate church that I believe is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the idea that Christ does not know the day or the hour. This came right out of the churches. The reason why this is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is because if you say this then you are saying that Christ is not indwelt by the Holy Spirit; because all throughout the Bible, it says that the Holy Spirit knows all things.