eBible Fellowship

2012.02.10 - Questions and Answers

  • 2012-02-10 22:00 | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 58:05 Size: 10.0 MB
  • Various questions and answers from the Bible
  • Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File

    1. 05:09 Have you looked at the math equation of May 14, 1948 to March 9, 2012? This is 23,310 days and it breaks down into 2x3x3x5x7x37 or 5x7x666.
    2. 07:00 I would like to look at Song of Solomon 4:12-16 and 6:2. Can these verses be tied in with Esther 7:7-8?
    3. 17:56 Could we look at Matthew 26:40 and Mark 14:37? God says in the latter half of Matthew 26:40, “What, could ye not watch with me one hour?” But God says in the latter half of Mark 14:37, “Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?” One seems to be plural and the other seems to be singular. Also, in both of these verses, God uses the phrase “watch one hour.” Could you explain this?
    4. 24:07 Have you gone back through the timeline again to see whether or not everything added up and that May 21st was the Day of Judgment?
    5. 32:38 Could you look at Judges 5:24-27? There are many interesting events that take place surrounding the death of Sisera. There is also a very curious statement in Judges 5:27 in regards to his fall. Could some of this language relate to the information we have about Satan losing his authority on May 21?
    6. 37:31 Could you please give me some insight on Deuteronomy 33:2 when it mentions “ten thousands of saints”? Historically or spiritually, what is this talking about?
    7. 44:14 In Revelation 18:8,10,17 and 19, we see God using the parabolic phrases of “one day” one time and “one hour” three times. Does the phrase “one hour” point to judgment being completed?
    8. 49:37 In Ezekiel 37:22, what are the two nations that are divided and made into?