eBible Fellowship

2012.01.31 - Questions and Answers

  • 2012-01-31 | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 1:04:54 Size: 11.1 MB
  • Various questions and answers from the Bible
  • Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File

    1. 03:40 On Sunday, you talked about how the three woes were what we had understood before and that they were all tied into May 21, but you did not mention the third woe in Revelation 11. I am assuming that the third woe is also connected with the 7th angel sounding and that he sounds with a trumpet.
    2. 18:35 Did Revelation 11:15 take place on May 21, 2011? Could you also look at 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16? Some people get the last trump confused with the 7th trumpet, but they cannot possibly be the same thing. Correct?
    3. 23:12 Would you please explain the 294 days, the double five-month period or ten months? Should ten months not equal 300 days since there were 30 days in each month?
    4. 34:00 Could we look at Daniel 7:11? We refer to the body of Christ or the body of believers. Is Satan’s body of unbelievers who are judged mentioned in the Bible?
    5. 36:45 When Jesus cried out on the last day of the feast, “If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink,” is there a possibility that October 15th might have been a possibility for a last-minute salvation since we read in Esther that many feared Mordecai and turned to the Jews in repentance, so-to-speak?
    6. 45:12 Can you take a look at 1 Thessalonians 5:3 again where it says that “sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child.” Do the 40 weeks (or the approximate 10 months of pregnancy) enter into the picture now that we know that there is a total of 10 months?
    7. 50:12 Do you have any understanding on Job 31:33 and could you compare that with 1 Timothy 2:14?
    8. 55:04 From the definition of the word “church” that you gave two Sundays ago during the evening question and answer session, there are three practices that distinguish between churches and Biblical fellowships. One: churches have leaders but fellowships do not. Two: most churches use the grammatical/historical method of determining Scripture, but fellowships read Scripture spiritually. Three: churches do not believe the timeline that Mr. Camping pieced together but fellowships do. Is this correct?