eBible Fellowship

2012.01.30 - Questions and Answers

  • 2012-01-30 | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 59:36 Size: 10.2 MB
  • Various questions and answers from the Bible
  • Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File

    1. 01:15 Could you read Esther 9:13? In relation to the phrase “let it be granted to the Jews which are in Shushan to do to morrow,” could this be another example of God using the doubling principle?
    2. 09:43 The other day, you spoke of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. You said that the church blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Can you tell me how the church did this and when it did this?
    3. 20:10 In relation to Isaiah 46:3, this verse seems to imply that when God saves a person that God is saving a baby from the womb. Does this mean that all of His elect were saved at the time that they were conceived in the womb?
    4. 31:36 I would like to know about Elisabeth being pregnant and hiding for five months. Was this five months referring to May 21 through October 21? Is it possible that the children conceived after the door was shut became saved?
    5. 41:05 Would you be kind enough to go over for us and for anyone who might be new here tonight where we are with the spiritual chronology in Esther and also with what we learned on Sunday and how October 21 was an incorrect assumption?
    6. 48:22 (Continued from previous question): Will this be within the 7,000th year from the flood?
    7. 54:01 In light of what we are now learning from the book of Esther regarding the Feast of Purim being at the end of the Biblical year, could the phrase “in the end of the year” found in Exodus 23:16 be related to the Feast of Purim?
    8. 57:22 When the literal end of the world comes, could Harold Camping’s thinking be right that God will be merciful to the unsaved and perhaps cause a deep sleep to fall upon them?