eBible Fellowship

2012.01.29 - Questions and Answers, Evening

  • 2012-01-29 22:00 | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 1:00:30 Size: 10.4 MB
  • Various questions and answers from the Bible
  • Question Summary with Starting Times in Audio File

    1. 01:17 Could you please explain the counting of the 294 days? What days were inclusive and what days were exclusive, as well as where does this begin and where does this end, etc?
    2. 06:43 (Continued from previous question): Is 7/17 (in the Hebrew calendar) inclusive in both counts?
    3. 08:18 Could you please look at Esther 7:6-7? Do you have any understanding of Haman making request for his life to Esther the queen in relation to Satan and what we have just experienced? Haman was afraid before the queen and the king, and so I was wondering how this all fits in. And do you have any thoughts on the king going out to the palace garden and then coming back in from the garden?
    4. 11:32 For your information, the number of days between when Haman was hung and Purim is 301 days if we assume that he was hung in 391 B.C.
    5. 13:15 I do know that the purpose of spreading the message of Purim is to relieve the elect with this message and that it is not unto salvation for the non-elect. But how are we to bring up the possibility that March 7th through the 9th is the end of the world and to whom do we declare this?
    6. 16:17 The phrase “he stayed” in Genesis 8:10-12 in the Hebrew means “to wait longingly with anguish or travail.” Do you see any meaning to this in connection with our time?
    7. 17:52 A couple of weeks ago, you mentioned how the Feast of Ingathering was likely fulfilled during the latter rain and that, possibly, the Feast of Tabernacles was fulfilled along with that. Are you still holding to this or do you think that these feasts might have had some fulfillment on October 15th?
    8. 21:00 Can you explain the parable in 2 Kings 6:1-9 please?
    9. 23:53 It seems that the Biblical number is 150 days and not 147 days if we are counting from the 17th day of the 2nd month until the 17th day of the 7th month. Could you elaborate on this please?
    10. 28:54 Along those same lines, is it necessarily so that Genesis 7:3 chronologically happened before Genesis 7:4?
    11. 31:22 Could you please read Esther 9:21, 27-28? The two days are kept in memorial out of the three days. Is this a type or figure of Heaven where it is eternal as a memorial and that would kind of point to March 7th as being the day when the Lord returns?
    12. 35:14 In John 21:11 and in Genesis 8:3-4, God specifically writes of 153 fishes being dragged to shore and of 150 days. God is very specific with His Bible verses and what He puts in the Bible. Where do we find your 147 days in the Bible?
    13. 44:35 (Continued from previous question): How does the date of October 15 relate to your Feast of Tabernacles?
    14. 46:17 Could we compare Revelation 18:6 with Jeremiah 17:18? Does Jeremiah 17:18 support the information of God’s purpose to double the portion of His wrath in the Day of Judgment?
    15. 50:48 In Matthew 17:3-9, Mark 9:1-9, and Luke 9:28-32, what is the understanding here of what God is teaching us in relation to the apostles being “heavy with sleep” but then “when they were awake, they saw his glory”? Could Moses and Elijah also have been representing God Himself since we know that Moses refers to the Law and Elijah refers to the prophets?
    16. 54:13 Since God is no longer saving and Family Radio says that God still is, should I remove my Family Radio bumper stickers from my vehicles?