eBible Fellowship








Did God Lie to Adam and Eve? Part 5

  • 2011-06-02 14:56 | Chris McCann

After Eve (and then Adam) ate of the fruit of the forbidden tree did they die in that day as God had said?

The answer is yes, they died spiritually! But, did Adam and Eve know they died spiritually that day? When God saves someone there is no physical difference with that person from one moment (unsaved) to the next moment (saved). No one can discern an exact time when they became saved. The reason for this is because we cannot see spiritual things like this.

Therefore after eating of the fruit it could very well have been that Adam and Eve did not know they had died at all. It may even have appeared as though the serpent was correct. Yes, to all outward appearances nothing at all happened (in the way of punishment) as a result of eating of that tree.

And yet, we know today that the Lord had fulfilled His word and brought to pass a most terrible judgment–Adam and Eve were killed in their spiritual natures that very day. They became dead spiritually (Ephesians 2:1).

We now realize that May 21 was a “spiritual judgment.” This means nothing to the world because they cannot see spiritually. Because of this it is as though nothing happened (at all) to the world.

But, however, once we look at all of the horrible consequences that came from that initial act of disobedience, it is impossible for us to think lightly of a “spiritual judgment.” That spiritual judgment back in the garden has brought untold amounts of grief and despair to mankind. A “spiritual judgment” is not a light thing. The true historical example in the Garden of Eden demonstrates to us that a “spiritual judgment” is extremely grievous.

Did God lie to Adam and Eve regarding His statement that, “for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die?” No! He did not lie. He also did not tell them the entire story. It is the Lord’s prerogative to do that if He wishes.

Did the Lord lie to His people when He opened up the Scriptures and clearly showed that May 21, 2011 would be the Day of Judgment? No, He did not lie! But (for His own purposes) He also did not reveal to us all the information.






