eBible Fellowship

Comparing the Biblical Calendar to the Mayan Calendar

  • 2009-10-04 | Chris McCann
  • Audio: Length: 58:22 Size: 6.7 MB

Today I would like to discuss the Biblical calendar as we were doing last week. We began taking a look at the time bridge or a key that unlocks the calendar of history according to Mr. Camping in his book Adam When. This has also been restated in a couple of his other books.

We will recap quickly what we did last week in one minute, but I would like to take a look at the Biblical calendar and the Mayan calendar and compare these calendars that we are hearing a lot about today. We are hearing a tremendous amount of information about the Mayan calendar. It seems like the news media—the newspapers and the television reporters, etc.—are looking for opportunities to give some information about the Mayan calendar. There are movies coming out. There is all kinds of information on blogs and websites. It really is on a worldwide scale.

My wife was telling me that in Bolivia, which is her home country, this is an extremely big deal, which we can understand because the Mayans come from Mesoamerica or Middle America, Central America, so there would probably be a bigger interest in South America and in that part of the world. But actually, interest is worldwide.

It is interesting how there is so much attention devoted to the Mayan calendar, which puts forth the date of the completion of the Great Cycle as being December 21st in 2012, and yet the Bible is also putting forth a date. This is coming strictly from the Scripture, from the Bible itself, which is telling us that May 21st in 2011 will be the Day of Judgment, it will be that “great day” for the people of God as they are taken up into Heaven, and it will begin that awful period of torment for five months for everyone left behind until October 21st in 2011.

Why is it when we have these two dates that are coming forth from ancient calendars—because they are both ancient calendars—that one is really like a media darling and the other one is practically all but ignored in the media?

It is true that if you get on your computer and type “May 21, 2011” into Google, you are going to find thousands of hits. This is being discussed by many people in the world, but it is not really being discussed from a media perspective like this date from the Mayan calendar is.

Why? Why? The Biblical calendar is an ancient calendar. The Bible was written over a period of about 1500 years, from the time of Moses until the first century A.D., which dates about 3500 years from our present time. That is ancient. When we are reading the pages of the Bible, we are reading an extremely old document.

In one way, we could say that the Mayan calendar pre-dates the Bible because it goes back to 3000+ B.C., so it is over 5,000 years old. However, God, who wrote the Bible, is Eternal God and has an eternal perspective, and so He goes back from eternity past. We cannot get any more ancient than that. He is “the Ancient of days.”

So we wonder why there is this difference between these two calendars since both are presenting dates. But then, when you think about this, you might wonder for a little bit, and it is interesting to think that the media is not focusing on this; however, this is not surprising. For instance, what about the information on creation that is put forth in the media today from the news outlets? How many times have you read a story in a newspaper or on an Internet site that referred to evolution?

It would have been countless times. If you are reading an article or you are hearing an announcer, there are always references to “millions of years.” It really is practically encompassing the whole media, even though evolution is the most ridiculous idea that has ever been presented. Evolution is a ridiculous theory that is presented as fact, it is presented as truth, and it does not take anyone very long, if they think about it, to realize that it is foolish. It is really a foolish thing to think that all of the complex creation that we see around us evolved.

I have referred to this before because I think that this is one of my favorite examples. I found an individual, who is either a secular scientist or just a secular person, who was unconvinced about evolution. Even though he does not accept the Bible, he said that it is more likely for a tornado to go through a junkyard and, in its aftermath, form a Boeing 747 than it is for man to think that all of this world and all of the creatures upon it with all of its complexities developed and evolved over a period of time.

Think about a tornado, because a tornado causes a lot of destruction, just like a big bang would. It goes through a junkyard, and let us even give it a few more helps and say that it is an old plane junkyard and that there are a lot of parts for airplanes in there. So a tornado goes through.

Is it going to form a 747? Is it going to form a fully-functional plane in every way to where the seatbelts work and to where the “No Smoking” light comes on? Is it going to do that? How about if we give it a thousand years? Even if we had a tornado go through there for a million years, would it ever do this? “Oh, yes, it is in the realm of possibility.” Sure it is. Sure it is.

Could it form something like a little race car, a little race car with only a few gears and moving parts? Could a tornado form that? No way. There is no way. This is not really, truthfully, and honestly in the realm of possibility, and how much more complex are you and me or any human being than a plane or a car or anything else? How extremely much more complex is man than any of man’s inventions? It is not even a possibility for this to happen, and yet this is what our scientists believe.

So it is interesting that we are kind of seeing the same thing with dates. With the Mayan calendar, everybody is interested in talking about that and discussing that. It is really a curiosity that people are very much willing to talk about. But when it comes to May 21, 2011, no. That is a different matter when it comes to the media.

Well, last week we were looking at the time bridge of Israel’s sojourn in Egypt. If you could turn to Exodus 6, I will read verses 16 through 20. A little later, we will discuss the Mayans some more and how the Mayan calendar actually supports the Biblical calendar as the faithful and true calendar. In Exodus 6:16-20, it says:

And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari: and the years of the life of Levi were an hundred thirty and seven years. The sons of Gershon; Libni, and Shimi, according to their families. And the sons of Kohath; Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel: and the years of the life of Kohath were an hundred thirty and three years. And the sons of Merari; Mahali and Mushi: these are the families of Levi according to their generations. And Amram took him Jochebed his father’s sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses: and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred and thirty and seven years.

We were looking at the key to unlocking the Biblical calendar, which is to realize that in Genesis 5 and 11 when God speaks of one individual Biblical calendar reference patriarch begetting the next individual, that individual normally would not be born until the first person had died. Upon his death year, then the next person named would be born and his lifespan would be the calendar.

Actually, the Bible calendar is different from our Gregorian calendar, and so is the Mayan calendar different than our Gregorian calendar. The Bible calendar is geared to or it is joined with the lifespans of individuals. There is a similarity with our calendar because this is the year 2009 A.D., or Anno Domini, “The year of Our Lord.” So, supposedly, 2009 years ago Christ was born.

There was an error with the calculation in this calendar. Jesus was actually born in 7 B.C., not in the year “0.” But still, the whole span of time, the whole generation since the cross is identified with the person of Christ. This year is related to Him and His birth and so will, actually, the rest of time, up until 2011. It is all geared to the lifespan of an individual.

When we read about the flood, we find that God refers to it occurring in the six hundredth year of Noah’s life. Jesus did not enter into the world at that time, so God used individuals to keep track of time, just like our modern calendar. The only difference is that Noah’s period would end because he would die. Then how did God continue? He continued with the next person who would be born in the line of Noah’s family and down through Biblical history.

So the difference is that the Biblical calendar is not just related to one person, like ours, but to many people, and we have to follow their lifespans. I know that it is hard to get hold of this just hearing this; but in Genesis 5:15, it says:

And Mahalaleel lived sixty and five years, and begat Jared:

I have a question now. Was Jared born that year when Mahalaleel was sixty and five years old? Did he enter into the world at that time? No. No, he was “begat,” so someone was born or conceived in that line who would later bring forth Jared. This is how God has hidden this for centuries through this type of language.

Then we read in Genesis 5:16-17:

And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Mahalaleel were eight hundred ninety and five years: and he died.

At this point in the same year was when Jared would actually enter into the world and be born.

Then we read in Genesis 5:18:

And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch:

This is the same thing with Enoch. Enoch was not born when Jared was 162. He was born upon Jared’s death, and then Enoch’s 365 years are figured for the next generation of the calendar. In other words, for the most part—but not in every case, because sometimes it is an immediate father/son—but for the most part, the Bible’s calendar is end-to-end.

This is one reason why the church today has no understanding of time and therefore no understanding of judgment. This is because they have a wrong Biblical calendar. They have an incorrect calendar. Their calendar does not discern what the Lord led Mr. Camping to see in the book Adam When, which is that it is head-to-head—or that when one man dies, that is the same year that another man would be born.

So they get their figures all mixed up. The churches, if they refer to any kind of timeline of history, would say that creation began in 4004 B.C., which is 7,009 years off. That is quite a bit to be off. It is kind of hard to hide 7,009 years. That is a lot of time that the church is unable to explain. Of course, this is going to produce all kinds of difficulties with their chronology.

For instance, with Ussher, who was a person from Northern Ireland who was a Bishop in the church of his day. He is the one who developed a chronology. His date for creation was 4004 B.C. He liked this because the church of old thought that Jesus was born in 4 B.C. They knew that He was not born in the year “0,” but they thought that He was born in the year 4 B.C., because Herod died in the year 4 B.C. and that was the same Herod who wanted the children slain. They latched onto that and Ussher came up with a date that was exactly 4,000 years prior—nice, round numbers; a nice 4,000 years—and this really convinced them to accept this date.

This means that Ussher’s date for the flood was 2348 B.C., but that is too early. That is very early, but that was Bishop Ussher’s date for Noah’s flood. He also saw Abram coming out of the land of the Chaldees and getting that call from God in 1921 B.C., and then the exodus in 1491 B.C. (Please do not memorize these dates because they are all off; they are all wrong.)

Just like we noticed last week, many theologians of the past did not believe that Israel was 430 years in Egypt. We are talking about John Calvin, Matthew Henry, John Gill, Bishop Ussher. They did not believe what God says. Some of these men I think were faithful, but they were living at a time when God was not opening up man’s eyes to the calendar of history. However, it is hard to argue with Exodus 12:40-41, where it says:

Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of JEHOVAH went out from the land of Egypt.

This is pretty clear. This is pretty clear, but what theologians of the past and what Ussher did was they started the 430-year period from the time that Abram left Ur of the Chaldees. They figured that 25 years until he was 100, he was in the land of Canaan sojourning. Then he gave birth to Isaac. So you add 60 years, because Isaac gives birth to Jacob when he is age 60. So you have 25 years for Abram, 60 years for Isaac, and then 130 years for Jacob, which totals 215. Then Jacob at the age of 130 entered into Egypt.

Then many of the theologians—not all; like it was mentioned last week, Jamison, Fausset, and Brown, which is a pretty good commentary, disagree and say, “No, Israel was in Egypt 430 years”—but many of them—and many of them well respected; I was really disappointed to hear that Matthew Henry was on this list—but many of them, faithful men of old, they believed that the 430 was divided into two parts. 215 years sojourning in Canaan, 215 years in Egypt, and then they came out.

Why did they believe this? They believed this to fit in with the chronology that Bishop Ussher had discovered, he thought, from the Bible, where there was no time for 430 years in Egypt. They were greatly influenced because Ussher’s chronology was put into many of the King James Bibles later on, so this was very influential to a great many people in the churches for a long time. Ussher I think was in the 16th or the 17th century when he developed his calendar, so the church has had this wrong understanding of time embedded in it for hundreds of years.

There are other problems with Ussher’s calendar. For instance, again, his flood date is 2348 B.C. Secular archeologists date the first Egyptian dynasty around 3000 or 3100 B.C., 600 to 700 years prior to the flood, according to Ussher.

What happened when the flood that we read about in Genesis 7 came upon the world? When it was over, would it have left any pyramids standing? Would there be remnants of ancient civilizations still remaining when the waters of the earth were fifteen cubits above the highest mountain?

No, the pressure destroyed everything, everything. This is why we have the dinosaur bones and all of the fossils that we have today. It is because of this tremendous amount of pressure. No pyramids would have been left standing and there would have been no historical record.

Unfortunately, even though a lot of the creation science ministries do an excellent job when it comes to discussing creation vs. evolution, if they get into the area of Egypt and the early dynasties, they do not believe that these dynasties were here at the dates that the secular archeologists put forth, around 3000 to 3100 B.C. This is because they follow Ussher’s calendar. They are following that same calendar, so they think that the flood was 2348 B.C. This applies to ministries like “Answers in Genesis.” They say, “What are we going to believe? Are we going to believe the Bible or are we going to believe these archeologists who have nothing to do with God?” But the problem is that they are at fault in this case because the Bible does not put forth this date.

When was the date of the flood? The true Biblical date of the flood was 4990 B.C. This is the accurate date, almost 2600 years earlier. This true and accurate date for the flood would leave plenty of time for Egyptian dynasties to go to 3000 or 3100 B.C. and for the invention of writing that is 5,000 years old according to some dating methods. Writing also goes back to about 3000 B.C., so there is plenty of time for that.

I think that a lot of the creation science ministries lose a lot of their legitimacy in the eyes of the secular scientists because they try to deny that these other ancient civilizations existed at the time that a lot of evidence puts forth that they did exist. This is because they are in error following Ussher’s chronology of time.

If they understood the true and correct Biblical calendar, they would realize that there is plenty of time for these things. There is also plenty of time for a Mayan civilization. Information on the Mayan civilization is everywhere and I think that it is just going to increase.

When we were handing out tracts—actually, this has happened to me here in the Philadelphia area as well as in Brazil—without fail, someone comes up and says, “I thought that it was 2012.” They are holding up a Judgment Day tract that says, “May 21, 2011,” and they say, “I thought it was 2012; what about the Mayans?” Normally, we get into a few discussions with people who have heard about this Mayan calendar date.

Again, this is not surprising, but I do not think that it is good for people to focus on this when this is not going to happen. We are never even going to get to the year 2012, let alone December 21st in the year 2012, because God will finish this world in the year 2011.

So this kind of made me curious. What about this Mayan calendar? What is it? I was curious enough to do a little research on this. The Mayans were a Mesoamerican people who lived in what is now known as Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, and southern Mexico.

The Mayans built pyramids just like the Egyptians did. Actually, one Mayan pyramid is a physical calendar itself. There are four staircases around this pyramid, each one with 91 steps, and then a platform, which totals 365. So the pyramid itself is a physical calendar where they could mark steps according to the days of the year, because we have 365.2422 days in our year.

God designed the year. It is based on His creation of the sun and the moon and the stars. It is a celestial clock that He designed and it makes the calendar to be exactly 365.2422 days.

Yet we cannot really say that there is only one Mayan calendar, because there are four. There are four calendars. One calendar is called the Tzolkin calendar and it had 260 days. This was related to either the crop cycle or cultivating the ground. Some think this was related to a woman’s period of pregnancy. Yet this was far short of the solar year; and so they developed a second calendar called the Haab’, which was 360 days long.

I will not get into how they kept track of time, but there was a key. There was a key. Just like we looked at the four generations in Exodus 6 and that key that unlocks the Biblical calendar of history, the Mayans also had a key. They were very much into the number 20 and the number 13, and they had cycles that would go for 20-day cycles.

They also combined the Tzolkin and the Haab’ calendars to form what is called the Calendar Round. This third calendar is a 52-year calendar that the Mayans also developed, but it has nothing to do with 2012. The fourth calendar that they developed is called a Long Count calendar and this is the calendar that spans 5,125 years from the Mayan start date of 3114 B.C. until this date in 2012.

Let me just give an example that was given on this website. The website was www.howstuffworks.com. If you want to find out anything about just about anything, you can go here. The date of July 20th in 1969, does anybody know what happened on that date? This was when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. This was the example year that they gave. I am not good enough in their calendar to relate it to a Biblical date, so I have to go with their date. They wrote it in a series of five digits: Each one of these five digits represents an aspect of keeping track of time. They read it left to right.

The first space is a B’ak’tun, which is 144,000 days. The second space is a K’atun, which 7,200 days. The third space is a Tun, which is 360 days. The fourth is a Winal, which is 20 days. The fifth is K’in, which is one day.

So when we read July 20, 1969, which sure is a lot easier—a lot easier than trying to understand the Mayan calendar, which is extremely complex—we would read left to right. The first digit is 12 or 12 x 144,000 days. The second digit is 17 or 17 x 7,200 days. The third digit is 15 or 15 x 360 days. The fourth digit is 17 or 17 x 20 days. The fifth digit is 0 or zero days. You have to do all of these calculations to figure this out. I was probably off, but I came to about 5,082 years from their start date of 3114 B.C. to 1969 A.D.

This is very complex. Man’s mind, as presented by the world in ancient times, is presented as not being very smart or intelligent. But the fact that they could build pyramids and come up with calendars like this shows us that ancient man definitely had great intelligence.

When the date of December 21 in 2012 comes about, their calendar—this kind of caught my eye—their calendar will read I thought, “Whoa, 13 and all those zeros, that is interesting!” But this has nothing to do with 13,000 years. You go 13 x 144,000 B’ak’tuns and you come up with 5,125.36 years. In other words, 3114 B.C. until that date in 2012, December 21, is that number of years.

By the way, when you hear people say that it is 2012 and that date, we know that they need to minus one year because there is no year “0.” The secular world is doing that with the Mayan calendar. So please feel comfortable when we say all the time that from the flood of 4990 B.C. until 2011 is 7,001 minus 1 because there is no year “0,” that there is universal acceptance regarding this, because 3114 + 2012 would actually be 5,126 years, but they minus 1. They recognize that there is no year “0.”

Again, this is not a Camping innovation. This is a scientific fact that this is how we keep track of time when we go from B.C. dates to A.D. dates or New Testament dates.

It is amazing how this ancient civilization developed their calendars. They had their yearly calendar, but they wanted to develop a calendar that could record history. For instance, it is easy for us to look back and say, “1611 was the year that we got our King James Bible.” That is very simple, is it not? For example, we realize that 2011 is 400 years later. But the Mayans had to do their own calculations in a way that is very complex.

Also, think about this. People are eager to learn the Mayan calendar, which is superiorly more complex than the Biblical calendar. Here we are saying, “You know, God gave us the date of the flood, which was 4990 B.C. He tied it into 2 Peter 3, ‘one day is…as a thousand years’ in the context of the flood, which will be exactly 7,000 years,” and I have heard people say, “Oh, that is too much for me. That is too complicated!” That is not complicated at all.

People are digging into the Mayan calendar dates with enthusiasm, and these are far more complex than the Biblical dates that we have. So I think that this is just an excuse that people use, “Oh, that calendar. Yes, that is too tough; that is too complicated.” Well, no, it is not.

By the way, “one day is…as a thousand years” reminds me that this was another idea that was put forth by Bishop Ussher, which was that the world would ultimately be 6,000 years old upon its completion because of 2nd Peter 3. They accepted a creation date of 4,004. Because “one day is…as a thousand years,” after 6,000 years, that is all the time that God would give the earth. Many churches support this or have supported this in the past since that date has come and gone, and they had no problems with that. They had no problem at all in understanding or accepting that.

Well, why did the Mayans have the date of 3114 B.C. as their foundation date or the start of the Great Cycle? 3114 B.C. was 1876 years after the flood of Noah’s day, but that does not mean anything. However, it does tell us that there was quite a length of time for the world to develop, for ancient civilizations to build their pyramids and for us to have the history that we do find in the world today, and also for the Mayans to have existed over 5,000 years ago in order to give us their calendar. But why 3114?

Let us go to 1 Chronicles 1:19. It says:

And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of the one was Peleg; because in his days the earth was divided: and his brother’s name was Joktan.

We also read this in Genesis 10:24-25:

And Arphaxad begat Salah; and Salah begat Eber. And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

Eber was not the immediate father of Peleg. Where it says:

…were born…

That is the same word that is used of Amram and Jochebed where it says in Numbers 26:59:

And the name of Amram’s wife was Jochebed…she bare unto Amram Aaron and Moses, and Miriam their sister.

This does not mean that Jochebed was the immediate mother or that Amram was the immediate father. We looked at that word “bare.” We saw that it is the Hebrew word yalad that is translated as “beget” or “begat” in Genesis 5 and 11 where the calendar references are.

We also looked at Genesis 46:15 and we saw:

These be the sons of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob…

That is the same word that referred to Amram and Jochebed. It is the same word “born” in Genesis 10:25 that referred to Eber who had two sons, including Peleg, born unto him.

…which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram…

Now skip to the last part of the verse:

…all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three.

Did Leah bare “thirty and three” children?

How about verse 18, speaking of Zilpah who was a handmaiden given to Jacob? Genesis 46:18:

…and these she bare unto Jacob, even sixteen souls.

Actually, Leah bare six, seven including Dinah. Zilpah bore two immediate children to Jacob; and so with Bilhah, she was the other handmaid who bore two, and then Rachel had two sons. But if you look at verses 22 and 24, you will see that there are many more souls born to these women who are listed than the actual number of children whom these women had, because it is referring to descendants.

God can say that there “were born” to Eber two sons and it does not mean that it was an immediate father/son relationship. This is the same thing with Amram and Jochebed where it says that “she bare” Moses and Aaron. No, she did not. Her descendants bore Moses and Aaron.

Well, going back to Genesis 10:25:

…Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided…

Peleg’s very name means “to divide.” God knew that this was going to happen and so He called him “divide,” because the one thing that we know about Peleg is:

…for in his days was the earth divided…

We also know that the Biblical timeline, the accurate one, dates Eber being born in 3617 B.C. Eber died in 3153 B.C., which is the year that Peleg was born. Peleg was born in 3153 B.C. Then Peleg dies in 2914 B.C. God gives us their lifespans so that we can calculate this.

So Peleg was the Biblical calendar reference patriarch from 3153 B.C. until 2914 B.C. Right in between, actually 39 years after Peleg was born, we have the Mayans developing a calendar with a foundation date of 3114 B.C., which is within this time span.

God is not exact about this because He does not tell us exactly when the earth was divided, but the earth was divided was it not? Was not the earth one huge continent at one point? Is that not what even the scientists of the world have realized?

Centuries ago when they began sailing the seas and forming maps, they could see the outline of the coast of Africa and the outline of South America. One gentleman even drew a picture of the world where he put them together nice and neatly. The earth was one big continent.

They also spoke just one language for a long time. We find in Genesis 11 that God divided the languages. He confused their tongues and then people began to spread out. Probably, not soon after or in relationship with this, God physically divided the earth. He moved continents apart from one another, making it more difficult to contact and to communicate. This is because God realized that for His plan, it was better for the earth to be confounded by multiple different languages and have far reaches of space between them; because when men get together, there is trouble. There is big trouble. They tried to build the tower of Babel. Look at the world today, now that much of the world is coming back in unison regarding language. I would not say that this is the cause of things, but this certainly can play a part in man’s continuing decline in the world and his sinfulness.

But, you see, God is the One who moved the continents. Historically, it was called a continental drift. The secular scientists recognize this. Even though they measure the earth just moving little bits of space in our time, the earth, nonetheless, is still moving. Today, the modern science refers to it as plate tectonics. The world is still moving; the continents are moving.

So here, we find that, more than likely, South America split off from Africa and is moving across the ocean. The ocean is forming in between. This happened in the days of Peleg, which were also the days of the Mayans. The Mayans developed a calendar somewhere around this time.

We can say this. They developed a calendar in the days of Peleg when, at some point, the earth was divided. It could be that 3114 B.C. was the year or maybe not too long after, because they had to keep track of this.

Can you imagine if all of North America began to start drifting like a huge glacier and we started moving and traveling in distance what it would do to our world? This would be a huge occurrence, of course. We still look back on 9/11. People mark the time of that. Some people do, “It has been so many years since that,” or World War II.

But to think of continents drifting apart and forming their own continent, that would have been something that the Mayans would have been interested in keeping track of. More than likely, they developed their calendar from that point.

So the Mayan calendar actually goes to show that the Biblical calendar, not of Ussher but the one that Family Radio has put forth in the book Adam When and in other places, is accurate because it gives space for the Mayan civilization to even exist, where Ussher’s calendar does not. The date of the beginning of the Great Cycle of this Mayan calendar is likely related to the time when the continents shifted. God, therefore, would have influenced them through that outward action.

God, who is in control of all men and who works “all things after the counsel of his own will,” could have—of course, He definitely allowed this—but He could have even set this in motion in order that the world at this time would be curious in discussing the Mayan calendar of December 21st in 2012. And even though it is off and it is not accurate according to the end of the world, still, we can see how the Mayan calendar does support what we have learned from the Bible as Bible truth.

Questions and Answers

Chris: If anyone has any questions or comments that you would like to make regarding this study or anything else, you are welcome.

1st Question: Could you look at Genesis 46:6-7 in relation to “his daughters, and his sons’ daughters.”

Chris: Genesis 46:6-7 says:

And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him: His sons, and his sons’ sons with him, his daughters, and his sons’ daughters, and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt.

This is the whole seed of Jacob entering into Egypt.

1st Question continued: It cannot be granddaughters unless these daughters came from Dinah or the two handmaids, right? Jacob only had one daughter, but this says “his daughters.”

Chris: We are only told about Dinah, so there could have been more children.

Let us look at Genesis 46:15 again:

These be the sons of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob in Padanaram, with his daughter Dinah: all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three.

We know that Leah had six sons and one daughter, but this has to be counting descendants. It is like you were saying, that these are children from daughters and so forth.

2nd Question: You were mentioning the Mayan calendar. How could the Mayan calendar mix with the Biblical calendar?

Chris: It is a totally different calendar. It is man’s calendar, and we know that the only trustworthy source is the Bible and the Bible calendar. But the interesting aspect of the Mayan calendar is its starting point of 3114 B.C., because it fits in with the days of Peleg. We know that God divided the world, the earth, at that time, in Peleg’s days. So that would probably be the beginning point, but it is speculation.

2nd Question continued: What was 4990 B.C. in the Mayan calendar?

Chris: Their calendar goes from 3114 B.C. into 2012 A.D. It was a span of 5125 years. They call this the Great Cycle. I do not know if I can do this from memory, but they had a fascination with the number 20. The Tun was 360 days. 20 x 360 gives you the K’atun or 7,200 days. 20 times that gives you the B’ak’tun or 144,000 days.

So in those five digits, when one number would get to a point of turning over, it would add a number to the higher digit. Then finally at the end on that date, it will read All of the other four-digit places are zeroes because it has gone to its highest point, which is 13. They also had some interesting comments about the number 13. Then it recycles.

But we do not have to worry about this in 2012. I wanted to look at this because so many people do come up and speak to you about the Mayan calendar. Also, there are people who indicate that the Biblical calendar is too complex to understand, but I do not think that it is at all. Well, maybe for some; but for most people, they can understand it.

3rd Question: I had a discussion with someone. Before, they did believe that Christ was coming in 2012 because they were putting their trust in the Mayan god. Does this have something to do with Darwin and the rest of these theologians?

Chris: Did you say Darwin?

3rd Question continued: Yes, he is that evolutionist.

Chris: Well, the world is, I would say, involved with the Mayan calendar. New Age and groups like are very much into this.

Does anyone else here have anything that you would like to bring up or those who are on Paltalk? Okay, let us stop here.